Bucky Barnes and Gilderoy Lockhart: The curse of not remembering


Gilderoy Lockhart was cursed and couldn’t remember anything, much like Bucky Barnes seems to be. So who had the worse of it? Bucky or Gilderoy Lockhart?

When it comes to characters with memory problems, Gilderoy Lockhart isn’t the first one you think of. Personally, I go to Bucky Barnes before anyone else. But what if we compared their situations to see who has it worse?

I think Bucky does because he wants so badly to remember. He has friends telling him stories, reminding him of who he was. With Gilderoy, who knows what’s true and what isn’t and no on really cares to remind him of the fame he had.

I think with certain characters, having memory issues is a curse. Like Bucky. Gilderoy was literally cursed but, in a way, it is a good thing. He was a terrible man who was going to curse children because he didn’t want his secret to get out. So his cursed brain was, in a way, his own doing. While Bucky Barnes didn’t chose anything that happened to him.

I don’t know why their dynamic fascinates me, maybe it is because it is two worlds that I love connecting in an interesting way. But the idea that you are forced into forgetting who you are can be both a good thing and bad. Really, it is bad for the party involved.

But sometimes, like in the case of Gilderoy, it is a necessary evil. One that is done because Gilderoy was planning on doing something absolutely terrible. So at the end of the day, good that Gilderoy is cursed, bad that Bucky can’t remember.

Next: Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers and James Potter and Sirius Black

Who do you think has a worse problem: Bucky Barnes or Gilderoy Lockhart? Sound off in the comments below.