Culturess writers on their favorite Christmas moments

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ROME, ITALY – DECEMBER 07: A general view of Christmas Lights At Bvlgari Boutique Rome on December 7, 2017 in Rome, Italy. (Photo by Ernesto S. Ruscio/Getty Images for Bvlgari)

Christmas Day means, for many, time for family. But for these writers here at Culturess, it’s time for horror, music and even some Magic: The Gathering.

We here at Culturess definitely crack jokes about our lives as we bring you opinions about pretty much everything under the sun. After all, our experiences shape how we approach pop culture and analyze things like whether or not Force ghosts will be in Star Wars: Episode IX to Taylor Swift’s 2017 to celebrities it’s still safe to love to TV’s messiest meltdowns. Unsurprisingly, the staff here at Culturess also has some interesting ways to celebrate the holidays — and, in particular, Christmas.

So, in the interest of letting you know a little more about those names you see when you read our articles, and in the interest of talking about today’s holiday from a personal perspective, yours truly and some of the other people who write here have decided to share some of their favorite Christmas moments, traditions and memories. For some, it’s a specific thing they do yearly. For others, it’s one year. It could be a dish or a song or … well, anything.

You’ll just have to read and find out. And, whatever you celebrate, on behalf of Culturess, I’d like to wish you a happy holiday and new year and thank you for coming back. We couldn’t do this without you.

Without further ado … let’s get to it!

~ Cheryl Wassenaar