Star Wars: 5 things we want to be erased from canon instead of The Last Jedi

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4.  Training for the ballet, Yoda?

Whilst we would ideally like to have included erasing Han Solo’s death from Star Wars history, we have to admit that that happened for a reason. Just because we love him doesn’t mean we should turn back the clock on one of the best plot twists and villain-making moments in cinematic history.

So instead we turn to this: Yoda’s flying abilities. In Attack of the Clones, we witness Yoda fly into battle against Count Dooku, in a display that thoroughly contradicts the doddery little Jedi we meet on Dagobah.

Of course, this could be put down to age, but Yoda is a few hundred years old already in Attack of the Clones. Plus we’re not actually sure Force powers diminish with age — all signs seem to point to them increasing, if anything.

So what it really comes down to is the whims of George Lucas. He wanted to make a fight scene with CGI leaps and dizzying somersaults, and cared more about that than he did continuity. But we weren’t as impressed as he wanted us to be. Our kingdom for a Yoda that can defeat Dooku without a random ballet display.

The other Yoda-related thing we’d like to remove from canon is CGI-Yoda. The Yoda we know and love from Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi is a puppet and as such, hasn’t aged even 30-odd years later. He feels very real. CGI-Yoda … not so much.