Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD season 5 episode 4 recap and review: A Life Earned


In this week’s Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, with Daisy and Simmons both in Kree custody, how will the rest of their team find them?

Oh boy, it’s time for Agents of SHIELD and their mysteries in space!

Not-So-Short Summary and Analysis

Firstly, I enjoy the dynamic between Kasius and Daisy. Secondly, it would have been nice for the show to have told us or made a mention of the blocker installed in Daisy’s neck to stop her powers. Because I spent the first five minutes of the episode wondering why she didn’t break out of her binds and quake everyone before they can do anything to Simmons.

Too bad the Kree are too smart for that.

MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. – “A Life Earned” – Coulson and the team discover what their captors’ true intentions are; and in space, escape is not an option, on “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” FRIDAY, DEC. 15 (9:01-10:01 p.m. EST), on The ABC Television Network. (ABC/Jennifer Clasen)


One of the most intense scenes comes from Kasius trying to get the truth from Daisy and Simmons: that they weren’t the only ones who traveled through time. Kasius keeps Simmons from hearing anything and wants every excruciating detail of how they traveled through time. And they need to make sure their stories are exact.

Incredibly enough, their stories match. For a moment, I was truly impressed with how it proved this team has become a family … except that Daisy’s new mind-reading Inhuman friend fed Simmons’ Daisy’s story.

Oh and also, Kasius wants off this rock and will erase it on his way out, obliterating anyone left behind.

Meanwhile, the rest of SHIELD tries to find Daisy and keep Grill off their backs. This involves Mack and Elena having to rough someone up and Coulson and May trying to get to Floor 35. What’s on floor 35? Babies.

Anyone have any idea what Deke’s end-game is? I know I’ve already asked the question, but this brings a little more of a wrinkle to it. Is he really only in this for gain and money? Or does he have a greater purpose to his actions?

What makes it even more of a twist is that Deke claims the voice on the transmission is his father’s. Coulson doesn’t trust him (and I wouldn’t either).

Post-Credits Stinger

Kasius welcomes his guests of the gala, flaunting Daisy as the prize. Then a masked person shows up and says that she shouldn’t be auctioned off. Mask off and it’s Fitz! Who then says she needs to fight to the death!

Badass Moment of the Week

That fight between May and Kasius’s right-hand woman Sinara … even if Sinara beat the daylights out of May.

Best One-Liner

“No, this is the part where May breaks your face!” Coulson says, cutting off Deke trying to explain why he turned in Daisy.

Why exactly does the music sound like it’s from Stranger Things? Any time the Inhumans are in the arena, it’s very ’80s.

I have also figured out what the Lighthouse reminds me of: Wool by Hugh Howie. It’s an excellent series with the setting taking place in a silo with each level doing something different.

Next: Top 10 shows that jumped the shark

Agents of SHIELD finally gives us Fitz’s story next week. It looks amazing, and I’m not just saying that because it also ushers in the return of Lance Hunter.