The Crown: Is it worth it to worry about spoilers?

Ever find yourself watching The Crown and suddenly you worry about whether or not Philip and Elizabeth make it? Well, you’re not alone.

For many viewers of The Crown, we’re aware of the historical impact this story has. We know the outcome and we don’t particularly focus on what we know but rather just let ourselves get lost in the story. Which sometimes doesn’t end well.

I’m talking about how sometimes we all forget that the story is actually real and that these couples exist and many are still married to each other. We know what happens in the long run. But that doesn’t seem to stop us from gasping and wondering if the Queen is going to get a divorce.

It’s very easy for us all to forget that The Crown isn’t fictional. Yes, there is a level of interpretation to it that isn’t exactly true but still, we know the general outcome of everything that happens. So why do we get so invested if we already know the story?

Well, with shows like The Crown and movies like The Darkest Hour, it tends to give us a view into this political figures that we only learn about in school. They humanize them in a way that we’ve never really seen before.

Elizabeth is no longer seen as a cold woman who would do anything to protect the crown because we see her interacting with her children and husband and we see the struggle she has with defending tradition while also doing right by her family. It’s fascinating to see.

Next: 25 of the messiest meltdowns on TV

The Crown seasons 1 and 2 are currently streaming on Netflix and watch before you’re spoiled … or just look at history. I don’t know, it’s a weird show to be worried about spoilers with because newsflash: the Queen is still alive and married to Philip.