Star Wars: The Last Jedi: New teaser has Luke Skywalker pulling a total dad move


Look, we’re not saying that you should read anything into this new line from Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but how can you not read something into it?

I didn’t know that Star Wars: The Last Jedi could come up with a better line to make fans excited other than … well, there have been a lot of them. “It’s time for the Jedi to end,” “Fulfill your destiny,” “Permission to jump in an X-wing and blow something up?”, “That’s a really big gun,” … the possibilities are endless, really, but, with so little time between now and The Last Jedi arriving in theaters, it’s clear that Lucasfilm has saved the best for last.

We knew that Leia has become a parent in the time between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, but it’s clear that either Luke picked some things up from his sister or has also become a dad himself, because it’s all right in the delivery of a certain line in this new teaser that Star Wars News Net has unearthed.

Do we even care that Luke appears to be addressing a droid in saying “Hey, watch your language,” as SWNN points out? Absolutely not. He and R2-D2 go way back, even though R2 is about as old as Luke’s parents would be at this point and thus doesn’t really need a dad scolding.

(Also, if it turns out that Luke does have a long lost child … well … this sort of line will just prove that dadliness is innate. At least partially. It’s science.)

Instead, the line actually contributes to the overall feeling of this teaser, which is, ultimately, a lot more lighthearted than a lot of the ones we’ve seen — including the last major trailer in that category. It helps that this teaser is using a version of the iconic Star Wars theme, which, well, just makes you feel excited for a big adventure.

Next: 15 things you need to know about Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Even if it turns out that Luke just has this skill because he’s an uncle to Kylo Ren/Ben Solo and has presumably heard his sister say something like that to her son at some point or another (or said it himself to his students), it’s nice to see that he isn’t entirely a doom and gloom character. Hopefully, this makes it into the movie. If those other teasers are any indication, we’ll need all the silly moments we can get (Porgs hitting the glass in the Millennium Falcon included).