Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD up its stakes in its third episode, backing Simmons and the rest of the team into tight corners.
Agents of SHIELD does some heavy lifting in this week’s episode. We learn a little bit more about how the Lighthouse functions. And we catch some silent scenes of Kasius’s regime.
Not-So-Short Summary
Does anyone know how Simmons can actually stand not to hear and know what’s going on? Thank goodness it can be turned on and off at will.
It turns out Inhumans are aboard, one of which Simmons is tasked to “fix” before “the ceremony.” Abbie can’t control her powers (she can change her molecular density) and she needs to show them off to become an ambassador within the galaxy and keep her family from getting hurt. (Or so she naively says.)
The ceremony pits Kasius’s warrior against Lady Basha’s warrior, who looks like Juggernaut. The fight comes out brutal, both when fake-Juggernaut leads and when Abbie leads. In the end, Abbie is sold to Lady Basha.
Mack, Coulson, and Elena basically toil in underground caves while Daisy tries to figure out how to save Simmons. The former are sent on a mission out with Tess where they try to figure out what Virgil was doing.
Oh my goodness, they mention Earth-616. I love you, Agents of SHIELD. Earth-616 is the universe in which most of the Marvel comics’ continuity takes place.
One of the best scenes comes in Grill’s work area. Elena keeps using her powers to make her tracker go on the fritz. In the four seconds it’s out of her arm being replaced, she makes a run through his tripped door to get the Kree scroll, hand it to Daisy, and make it back to where she was before.
There’s a lifeless rock that’s giving off a radio signal … and it’s coming from inside the ship the surface of the Earth!
I would also say that Coulson and crew get out of their tight corner relatively easily, but it’s easy to frame someone having contraband on them when you have Yo-Yo on your team.
Oh, and Deke turns Daisy in to Kasius. Anyone else think Deke won’t make it through the season?
Post-Credits Stinger
Remember the post-credits stinger from the finale? We pick up there. They get the radio working and realize the transmission comes from the surface.
Except that’s where people get sent to die!
Badass Moment of the Week
Daisy’s fight against two Kree in the elevator. If Marvel does anything right, it’s fight scenes in elevators.
Best One-Liner
“I’d rather not go where no one can hear you scream… but okay…” Mack says.
We get a bit of a soft moment between Coulson and May while on their run. I completely agree with May — when all this is said and done, she deserves to go home and have a night in her own bed. She went from thinking she was a top Hydra agent to being blasted into space in the future.
Next: Get hyped about the new Marvel Rising and Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors
Next week’s Agents of SHIELD turns into an Inhumans Fight Club. This’ll be great!