Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD: When will we see Fitz?


In Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD’s fifth season premiere, we saw every character in action—except Fitz. When will we actually see him in action?

Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD won’t ever let FitzSimmons be happy. From brain damage to undercover Hydra to literally being a galaxy apart to a virtual reality where Fitz was the head of Hydra … you get the point.

Season five’s premiere is very much more of the same. We see every single character on screen —except for Fitz. And now Simmons is in with the enemy.

So where the heck is Fitz? The only way we “see” him comes in the form of a folded-up, tattered postcard. “Working on it. -Fitz” it says in faded letters.

Let’s think about this logically (or as logically as possible given the circumstances). All our SHIELD compatriots traveled through yet another Monolith and traveled nearly a hundred years into the future.

But that postcard looks like it’s pretty darn old. It’s quite possible that Fitz didn’t make the trip. Whatever this mystery group is that kidnapped Coulson and team (SWORD?) knows them.

Which means they know how smart and capable Fitz is. He has gotten his coworkers out of many a sticky situation. Throwing them into the future and leaving him in the past? Sure, bring it on.

It’ll make sense for Fitz to have his own episode centered around his current situation. But will it happen next or will it take a few episodes? We still don’t really know the reason the world exploded (aside from Deke claiming it was Daisy), so what exactly does Fitz need to fix? You know, aside from the world getting destroyed.

At this point, we have to assume it wasn’t actually Daisy who destroyed the world, so Fitz is in the past and in charge of figuring out preventative measures. Showing us his side of things may spoil the mystery that has only started to unfold, especially since we know the end-game of the word getting quaked apart.

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It’s a safe bet that we won’t see a Fitz-centric full episode at least for a few more weeks. Just before Christmas break, probably. He’ll be confined to just post-credits stingers.