Celebrate the women of Doctor Who before Thirteen’s debut

Get ready for the debut of the first female Doctor on Doctor Who by celebrating the great women of the Whoniverse.

It seems hard to believe, but we’re only a few weeks away from Doctor Who history. Jodie Whittaker will make her debut as the iconic sci-fi series first female Doctor in upcoming Christmas special “Twice Upon a Time” this Christmas. Now, Whittaker’s Thirteen will appear for a mere handful of minutes, and likely utter no more than a line or two. But it doesn’t really matter. It’s still a big deal.

Whovians around the world have been waiting for a female Doctor for an awfully long time, after all.

In honor of Thirteen, BBC America, home of Doctor Who in the US, is putting together a rather fun event. The network will celebrate the women of Doctor Who during the week before the Christmas special’s broadcast with a special themed marathon. Airing Dec. 19, this event will highlight viewers’ favorite episodes featuring the female characters of the Whoniverse.

There’s a poll you can vote in and everything. Make your voice heard, folks!

Sadly, however, it appears that you can only vote for one choice. Which means you not only have to narrow down your favorite female Doctor Who character in recent seasons, you also have to settle on just one episode from their time in the TARDIS.

BBC America’s options include almost every episode from the modern Doctor Who era. For some reason, Rose Tyler’s time with the Ninth Doctor gets left out completely here. (Which is a real shame when you consider what a showcase season 1’s “The Parting of the Ways” was for Billie Piper.) However, pretty much anything else seems to be fair game, and you can still choose any of Rose’s adventures with Ten as your favorite.

There truly is an embarrassing array of riches to pick from on this list.

Love heartbreaking emotion? Go with Rose’s “Doomsday” or Clara’s “Face the Raven.” Into thoughtful exploration of alternate realities or the way that stories we know could have gone differently? Back Donna’s “Turn Left” or Amy’s “The Girl Who Waited.” Enjoy surprisingly clever re-imaginings of familiar characters? Try Missy’s “Dark Water/Death in Heaven” two-parter or Idris’ “The Doctor’s Wife.”

In the end, though, it doesn’t necessarily matter what episode — or companion — is deemed a fan favorite. All these women are amazing characters with great stories. True, we haven’t yet had a female Doctor in 50-some odd years. But we’ve certainly had plenty of incredible women in and around the TARDIS already. Just imagine what it’ll be like when one of them is the Doctor.

I can’t wait.

Next: Why Jodie Whittaker's Doctor Who costume matters

The Doctor Who Women of Who marathon will take place on Dec. 19 on BBC America. Who will emerge triumphant?