What if Steve Trevor crash landed at Hogwarts?


So we love crossovers so what if Steve Trevor crash landed his plane at Hogwarts rather than Themyscira? What if he discovered magic rather than the Amazons?

Steve Trevor crash landed his plane on an island that was supposed to be impossible to find from the world of man. Gods couldn’t even keep him out. So what if, instead, he crashed into the world of magic? Or even better, he already had Diana Prince with him and they both discovered magic together?

Granted, Themyscira isn’t the entire magical world but if the gods couldn’t even keep him out, how are wizards going to keep Steve away from Hogwarts? Personally I think that he’d find the school, willingly tell them he crashed there and they’d go to wipe his memory and Diana would stop them.

Because really, Diana wouldn’t let a thing happen to Steve Trevor. And so maybe Diana would even recruit the witches and wizards to help her when Steppenwolf came to take the mother boxes. They could have helped protect them (at least better than the Justice League did. They just left one on a car for him to easily take).

It’d maybe work out in favor of everyone and there’d be a cool crossover between Harry Potter and the entire DC Extended Universe. Granted, this will never happen but they are both Warner Brothers productions so a girl can dream.

Even just a Wonder Woman/Harry Potter crossover would be fun. I don’t need much, just a little magic and then Steve Trevor is back to life (which doesn’t even happy in the HP series but let’s pretend).

Next: What if we let Chris Pine play Sirius Black in a Marauders series?

Do you think Steve would be a good fit for the magical world or do you think he’d hate it? Sound off in the comments below and let us know what you think!