Severus Snape is definitely the worst kind of bro


Severus Snape is hands down a fedora bro. Why, you ask? Because he is the definition of a ‘nice guys finish last’ kind of man.

Remember the ‘nice guys finish last’ sentiment that most men stuck to? Well, now think about Severus Snape. It works right? He’d definitely be the kind of guy who would act like a victim because a girl didn’t like him. He’d call out the friendzone and act like a baby.

Want to know how I know this? Because it is exactly what happened. Severus Snape went through his life crying over the fact that Lily Potter didn’t love him when he’s the one that ruined that friendship. He was rude to her, called her names because she liked James Potter and then pined for her his entire life.

I get it, you can have feelings for someone that last a lifetime. But when you’re the one at fault and then you cry about it for years and then turn around and play the victim, I don’t have pity for you. If Snape loved Lily so much, why did he torment her son? Because he reminded him of James? Well still, that’s a terrible thing to do to the son of the woman you claim to love.

So take this moment, if you will, to imagine Snape in a fedora talking about how he’s always in the friendzone. Works, right? That’s basically what he did by continually complaining, saying that he would always love Lily Potter.

Next: It is about time that we cancel Severus Snape

It wasn’t sweet, it was creepy. She didn’t love you because you were verbally abusive to her and then you turned around and were verbally abusive to her son. So let’s call a spade a spade and all realize that maybe Snape is the worst. Even if he did say “always” and suddenly everyone forgot how terrible he is.