Friendship and Harry Potter: The story that keeps giving


Many of us have found friendships through the Harry Potter series so we’re looking at why it was so great for friends.

We all love Harry Potter but when we find friends who love it as well, it seems to forge a bond between us all that never seems to go away. For instance, we all grew up together reading this series. So as adult, it I still a connection we have despite how much we’ve changed.

I know personally that my friends and I have continued to be great friends throughout our lives because we bonded over this story of three friends overcoming the odds. Or at least that’s what happened with me and my friends. Harry Potter became a source of happiness for us because we used to go to the midnight premieres of the series together.

Even when we lived across the country from one another, we still managed to go together and do this one thing because it is what we always have done. We did anything and everything Harry Potter together and nothing would stop that.

It is just one of those series that works for friends. Harry creates his own family by the people in decides to surround himself with so it makes for a great series for who who love their friends like family. If Harry can find a family in those who he met through school, then so can we.<

Without his friends, Harry Potter would have succeeded in taking down Voldemort and it teaches us that our friends are important in our lives. Sometimes, more than our family.

Next: Troll: The start of the friendship of the Golden Trio

Do you have a fun story with your friends and Harry Potter? Did you meet them through the series or has it strengthened your relationship? Sound off in the comments below and tell us your story!