Daniel Radcliffe is our Harry Potter. But what if he was taller?


Daniel Radcliffe was a pretty great Harry Potter but let’s be honest: We all thought he was going to be taller. So what if he was…

When Daniel Radcliffe was cast, he was a kid. So we all figured he’d get a lot taller and fill into the role. Well, obviously we were wrong and he didn’t but what if he had gotten to the height we had come to expect from Harry Potter?

There was a lot the movies got right but then, obviously, a lot they got wrong. From Hermione’s hair to little things with characters, some just didn’t work. But they seemed to struggle with a lot of aspects of Harry.

First of all, there’s his eyes. Like I get it, the contacts didn’t work and CGI-ing his eyes to be green was insane. But still, they could have at least made sure his eyes matched with Lily’s. Because half the time, they just acted like that wasn’t an important part of the story despite the fact that someone points out that he has his mother’s eyes in almost every movie.

More than that, his hair was also a disaster most the time. Harry’s hair is described as being unruly and most the time it was like a Spock haircut. But back to the main point, Daniel Radcliffe just ended up not being as tall as Harry was supposed to be.

He’s lanky in the books, drawn to be almost all limbs. And then sweet Daniel didn’t exactly grow to the height we all assumed he’d be. So we’ll all just have to imagine what it would be like if Harry actually ended up being the right height.

Next: Should David Yates be replaced as the director for Fantastic Beasts?

If he had the right hair and color eyes while being lanky, we’d have the perfect series. So maybe if they made it a TV show, we’d get our way.