Is Lucius Malfoy really a villain or is he a good guy too?


Lucius Malfoy, in many eyes, is a villain. But when you break him down, can he really be considered such or is that just who he is at the end of the day?

When it comes to the Malfoy family, Lucius Malfoy is hands down a bad guy. But don’t tell that to Jason Isaacs. He sees him as this complex character who was emasculated by Voldemort. Which fine, I guess that’s true.

But to many of us, he’s just bad. He abused his son, he figured that Harry and everyone else was beneath him and he made Dobby’s life miserable. And we’re supposed to think he’s a good guy in the end?

He is a survivalist, I’ll give him that. Lucius Malfoy does whatever he needs to do to survive. If that means becoming a Death Eater, then he’ll do it. If it means helping Harry Potter and his friends fight Lord Voldemort, then he’ll do that.

At the end of the day, he just wants to be the one who is still alive to fight. So yeah, he can seem like a good guy by the end of it all but he only did it for himself. It wasn’t because he felt like he was a better dude. It wasn’t like he had some divine realization. He simply just didn’t want to be on the losing side.

If we considered him to be a villain for the rest of time, I’d be okay with that. He’s not great, he’s not complex. If anything, he’s a pretty evil man.

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Do you think there is anything redeemable about Malfoy? Do you think he’s the absolute worst? Sound off in the comments below and let us know your thoughts!