There was a joke about Joss Whedon directing Cursed Child


Thinking about Joss Whedon directing Cursed Child is honestly a scary thought and we’re lucky it was all an elaborate Rick Roll.

Joss Whedon seems to want his hands in everything. Well, kind of. Yesterday, a fake Variety account went around saying that Whedon was set to direct Harry Potter and the Cursed Child with the original cast.

What cast? Who knows, it ended up being a joke but it really struck the fear of God in me. Why? Because I don’t want Joss Whedon anywhere near this series. Now look, I’m sure there are huge Whedon fans out there.

But I know what he is capable of. I’ve seen his Wonder Woman script and I’ve seen what he did to Justice League. I don’t want him touching Harry Potter with a ten foot pole. So while this movie isn’t exactly being made, let’s explore why it’d be a terrible idea.

Hermione would hands down be a ‘mother’ figure or a side character. Now I get it, he made Buffy the Vampire Slayer but his track record as of recently hasn’t been stellar. So I’d just much rather have someone else taking on this movie, if it ever is made.

Lucky for us all, it was a joke. A mean one, but a joke nonetheless. So we don’t have to worry about Whedon touching this series. But if we did, hopefully someone would reign him in and make sure that he doesn’t ruin these characters we know and love. Because that’d be the most unforgivable curse of all.

Next: Sometimes, Harry Potter doesn’t make much sense with its DADA teachers

What do you think? Do you think that Joss Whedon would make a good director for the Harry Potter series? Sound off in the comments below and let us know your thoughts!