10 strangest TV character food obsessions

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A Meatball Sub — Friends

If there is one, singular American institution that I hold dear, it’s that of the sandwich. A sandwich needs some sort of bread, a meat, a few veggies, and a condiment. Joey Tribiani knows the value of a good sandwich system, and I respect the diligence with which he chases his sandwich dreams.

Joey isn’t one to turn down any sort of sandwich, and he gets downright territorial when it comes to sharing. Don’t ask for a bite; don’t ask to share; don’t even ask to smell it. It won’t turn out well for you, especially if said sandwich is of the meatball sub variety. Things get real when Joey has possession of this particular sandwich, and you haven’t seen a man protect something so vehemently. Even when faced with imminent danger and a gunshot, Joey opts to save his sandwich instead of his friends.

The trick to a good meatball sub is the proportion. You have to have just the right amount of meat to cheese to sauce proportions. Too much sauce and you wind up having most of the good stuff slide right out of the bottom of the sandwich. Too much cheese and it it becomes a little harder to chew and swallow. You can’t mess around with ingredients either, which means you can’t skimp. Check out this meaty, saucy recipe to make your own yummy, gunshot worthy meatball sub.