Empire season 4: An open letter to Hakeem Lyon after Fortune Be Not Crost


Hakeem, I want to like you, I do, but you continue to make some of the world’s dumbest decisions on Empire. Do better, please, for Bella.

Dear Hakeem,

So many thoughts ran through my mind as I watched last week’s episode. I wanted you to get Bella back. I loved your and your family’s devotion to ensuring that the judge knew she had a good home. I hated Anika’s insincere testimonies and Angelo’s determination to use the trial to get back at Cookie.

And then your cross-examination. I was so proud. I thought, “Look, ‘Keem has finally learned something. L’il Drip Drop is a quiet storm.”

I wanted you to win, I wanted you to succeed. But obviously, you didn’t want that for yourself. And now, Hakeem, the only question I have is: why?


Why would you meet with Diana and trash talk your family while you’re meeting with her?

Why didn’t you tell your family that it was what you were being forced to do in order to keep Bella?

Why didn’t you tell your lawyers before you went to trial?

I know you mean well, Hakeem. And in the last three seasons you’ve made tremendous progress towards being something more than just a rapper. But your tendency to act rashly under duress is still causing you to lose things. First you lost your family after you voted Camilla into the CEO spot to spite Lucious. Then, you lost Tiana after you blew up at her for having a perfectly natural reaction to being interrogated in a court of law. Now, because of your inability to think before you act, you’ve lost your daughter.

I believe in you, Hakeem, I really do, I believe you love your daughter and that you’d be an excellent father, but you have to have to have to get control of your emotions and stop viewing your family as your enemy or a tentative ally. Only then will you stop having the problems you’ve been having. Without them, you’re lost — but with their support, you are far more grounded and centered.

In short, do better.

Next: 6 TV marathons to watch this Thanksgiving


A Heartbroken Viewer