Lily Evan’s eyes were green. So why did Harry and her not match?


Harry’s eyes always matched his mother’s so they why did not Lily Evan’s eyes match Harry’s in the movies? Why were they blue and brown?

I’ve always wondered if this was just because I had green eyes but I was always obsessed with the importance of Lily Evan’s eyes in the Harry Potter series. We know that Harry is supposed to look just like his father but with his mother’s eyes, something the movies sometimes followed.

Harry’s eyes in the books are green, which I loved for a very specific reason. I have green eyes and very rarely are anyone’s eyes green. Most the time they’re hazel or blue green so for Harry’s to be described as such meant a lot to me.

But then movies said “changing Daniel Radcliffe’s eyes for every movie is too hard” and they let him have his naturally blue eyes. Fine, whatever, I’ll get over it. I’ll always have the books. But what really got me was that they also seemingly forgot that he has his mother’s eyes.

Something that the movie does mention. So when they zoomed in on a young Lily Evans with brown eyes, did not one think to say anything? No one in the world of Warner Brothers thought it through and said “we talked about how he had his mother’s eyes, didn’t we?” and fix it?

Obviously not since we still got Harry’s blue eyes with his mother’s brown. I just think that it is playing dumb to your audience. Harry Potter fans are not stupid. We love this series and everything it represents so for it to suddenly think we wouldn’t notice something like that is insulting.

Next: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is taking over the world

Do we not show our love and dedication to this series? So much so that we know every detail? So then why would you think, as filmmakers, that no one would notice this obviously flaw? It’s just lazy to me and I still am angry about it.