How to Get Away with Murder put Asher in trouble in the flash-forward on last week’s episode, but does it matter if we don’t know what’s been done?
How to Get Away with Murder wants its audience to think that Asher Millstone has done something very, very bad. Why else would it put him in a jail cell to cap its flash-forward on last week’s episode?
Of course, with that sort of reveal comes a lot of questions, and we’re ready to break them all down. The show has subtly and not-so-subtly hinted that Asher’s going to involve himself in the plot in a major way. First, it was his temper flaring back up at Simon Drake. Second is his following Michaela to Laurel’s apartment, meaning he now knows there’s something she isn’t telling him.
We still don’t quite know what crime Bonnie’s investigating in the flash-forward, but presumably it’s not going to end well based on Oliver’s general demeanor and a few other things we discussed last week. Although one might suggest that Annalise is dead, it doesn’t seem like it would quite fit — the show’s done a “who did something to Annalise” storyline before, in season 2, and even with the breather of season 3 in between, it’d feel like a rehash. We’re starting to think that the crime scene at the hotel may not be quite related to Caplan & Gold in the way the show seems to be leading us to think, just because it seems like the goal is to make us all think that an injured Annalise … went to Caplan & Gold?
It’s hard not to think that whatever Asher’s been arrested for does have to do with Caplan & Gold, though. From what we know right now, he has more ties to that through Michaela (and the aforementioned following her around) than he really does Annalise at this point, although with Connor going back to work for Annalise, that could shift.
Right now, it’s also not outside the realm of possibility to suggest that Asher’s murdered someone after they hit a sore spot for him. That’s why he murdered Emily Sinclair — and the show seems to be hinting that this time, he may not be able to cover the crime up. Is his victim Simon Drake? Since Simon also works at Caplan & Gold, we have to have that as a possibility right now. This idea of impulsiveness leading to crime would also explain his tears in prison as he comes to terms with what he’s done.
Next: Outlander S3E7 recap and review: Creme de Menthe
Right now, though, don’t expect How to Get Away with Murder to immediately clear up how Asher’s part of the crime.