What if we could apparate in real life? Could you always fly that way?


Traveling is the worst but if we could apparate wherever we needed to go, maybe it’d be better? We’re looking at the wonderful way wizards fly.

Maybe it is because trying to travel in this day and age is terrible but what if we could apparate? It’s an age old question that goes back to the days of us loving Star Trek and their ability to transport from place to place with their beam.

But it always comes about when something goes wrong with a plane or your flight is delayed. Why can’t we figure out a faster way to travel? Now, not to knock on planes, they’re pretty fast. But imagine if you could apparate from place to place. You just blink and you’re there. No more of this sitting on a plane for 6 hours stuff.

You can simply just think it and you’re there. It’d be nice, especially when you miss your family and want to go visit them. Honestly, the idea of apparating just makes everything easier. While some of the problems with the wizarding world wouldn’t be fun, at least with that, you could make traveling to and from work easy.

And just to think, no more traffic! The problem is that it doesn’t exist so we’re stuck just wishing we could easily go to wherever our hearts desired without having to spend all our money on transportation. Instead, we have to go on planes and cry about it.

But just think, planes have come such a far way in the past years, maybe we’ll figure it out and end up with transport technology or something else.

Next: Harry Potter and the Christmas he Shared with Sirius Black

If you could apparate anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? Sound off in the comments below and let us know where you’d go!