Igor Karkaroff isn’t as black and white evil as we thought


When it comes to evil men in the Harry Potter series, Igor Karkaroff is pretty high up on the list. But does his final actions justify the rest?

Pottermore pointed out that maybe Igor Karkaroff isn’t as bad as we originally thought. It’s pointed out that maybe because he became a ‘reformed’ bad guy while in prison, but does that justify what he did?

Look, it’s simple, yeah he thought ratting people out would help him get a lesser sentence. So does that make it okay that he did it or does it make him just a worse guy? I think personally he’s just all around bad.

He was selfish. Everything he did was for his own personal gain, even ratting out the other Death Eaters. He didn’t do it because he wanted to help for the greater good, he did it because it would maybe lead to his release.

So I just don’t think there’s anything about Karkaroff that can be seen as inherently good. Maybe if we got a glimpse of him doing something that was good all on his own without someone helping or forcing his hand, then it would be a different story.

Instead, we watched a selfish man try to selfishly save himself in anyway he could and then when it didn’t work out, we try to justify his actions. Instead, we should just continue to see him as the bad man that he is.

But now that the series is over and we can look back, and many, I think, want to justify these characters while upon first viewing because we want new information.

Next: Lucius Malfoy: Is he a redeemable character in any way?

Personally, I think that we should just see Karkaroff as he was meant to be. Don’t try and make him a hero when he most definitely isn’t.