Stranger Things 2: Episodes 4 – 6 recap and review

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Stranger Things 2 publicity photo. Image courtesy Netflix

Why is it always the cat?

I love Steve, okay? Top four favorite character. I mean, I’m not overwhelmed by his advice to Dustin about acting like you don’t care to get a girl’s attention, but man, he always comes in clutch. It’s his reliability and the fact that he’s constantly surprising me that makes me hope he’ll have a happy ending, whether it’s with Nancy or not. I really just want Steve to be happy. He’s the only ancillary character that matters to me.

Just think … Dustin’s pet Dart has mutated into a baby Demogorgon and eaten his mother’s cat. “He opened his face and ate my cat,” is really how he puts it. As a cat owner, I hate seeing this overused trope. There are such things as small dogs that cannot defend themselves, yet, our society values the lives of dogs over cats. JUST BECAUSE THEY’RE MORE EXPRESSIVE AND EASIER TO CONNECT WITH DOESN’T MEAN WE ALWAYS HAVE TO KILL THE CAT. Let’s kill a bunny or something next time.


When Dustin tries to find his friends, as things go off the rails between Will’s episodes and Lucas’ commitment to befriending Max, the only person he can find for help is Steve Harrington. Strangely enough, the core group of friends spends virtually no time together between episodes 4-6 and it makes the show that much stronger.

And it’s going to make it that much more compelling when they reunite to fight off an entire army of baby Demogorgon. (Is Demogorgon one of those words that’s both singular and plural?) That’s right — Dart isn’t the only one. In fact, there’s a few dozen roaming around Hawkins looking for food. Human food.

Pick any scene in the Jurassic Park franchise that has raptors in it and that’s exactly what it looks like that Steve stands in the middle of the field staring down one Dart while several others close in on him. Did he know that’s how his day was going to go? No. But he still shared his secret hair advice with Dustin, helped them set up a trap and volunteered to draw the monster out for them.

That’s MVP status right there. M. V. P.

Related Story: Stranger Things 2: Episodes 1 – 3 recap and review

Stay tuned for final recap and review of the final three episodes of Stranger Things 2. All episodes of Stranger Things season 2 are available to stream on Netflix now.