Stranger Things 2: Episodes 4 – 6 recap and review

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Stranger Things 2 publicity photo. Image via Tina Rowden/Netflix

The Ives family reunion

Amidst her reasonable frustration, Eleven discovers a secret cache of files beneath Hopper’s house and finds a box dedicated to the Department of Energy. While going through the files, she reads the story of Terry Ives, the mother who Hopper told her was “gone.” Naturally, Eleven leaves the house (while Hopper is away and nearly getting killed by the monster beneath Hawkins) and finds the Ives house.

Immediately, her aunt takes her in and Eleven notices the flickering lights as a signal that Terry, who looks the same since we last saw her, wants to talk. Eleven forms a connection with her — by putting a bandana around her eyes and going into the black void — and takes a closer look at the moment Terry delivered her baby and what happened afterward. Though it’s nice to see the aunt try to put her family back together, something doesn’t feel quite right. Like, a stranger just walked into her house and she’s all like, “Let me buy you a real bed because this isn’t weird at all.”

So I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop for Eleven and her mother. If that even is her mother. Just because they both have psychic abilities doesn’t mean that Eleven is her daughter. Especially since the little girl “Jane” from the vision had blonde hair and looked nothing like the Eleven we know now.

Just like us, Eleven really needs answers. The only thing is, Terry can’t give them to her.