How to Get Away with Murder: How is Oliver involved this time?

How to Get Away with Murder has a question to answer about Oliver’s involvement in the flash-forward, but will it come out in this week’s episode?

When yours truly broke down last week’s new episode of How to Get Away with Murder, it came with a promise to dive into the flash-forward reveal that Oliver is at Caplan & Gold, there are police, and he looks like he’s a material witness to … something, presumably tied to the blood spatters in Annalise’s hotel, Bonnie’s burgeoning investigation and Laurel’s missing baby. We don’t pretend that the show won’t find a way to tie all of this together, because it almost certainly will. Some things don’t change.

But Oliver’s been involved in flash-forwards before, just not in quite the same way, or so it appears, at least. How is he involved? Does he chance upon something happening at Caplan & Gold? Does the something actually happen to him?

Well, he’s not dead, so presumably the answer to that last question is a no. (What? The show is still How to Get Away with Murder.)

This is a far cry from the Oliver we saw concealing and altering evidence, or even the Oliver sort-of kind-of coerced into helping Bonnie earlier this season. (Speaking of, will they share a conversation in the flash-forward that explains whether or not Oliver’s help will be a regular thing going forward for Bonnie?)

A quick theory is that he gets hired on at Caplan & Gold at the recommendation of Michaela. As I noted before, she seems to have a lot more pull than your run-of-the-mill intern, and she might actually have the ability to give him a job so that he’s on hand for everything she needs him both inside and outside of normal C&G work?

That would certainly explain why he’s there late at night, right?

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Honestly, How to Get Away with Murder is just muddying the waters as it usually does when it comes to the flash-forward.