Crazy Ex-Girlfriend season 3 episode 2: To Josh, With Love recap

Rebecca Bunch is still dealing with the fall out of Josh Chan and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is giving us some Les Miz feels. We have a recap!

So you can’t call her crazy but this week on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Rebecca maybe revealed a little too much about herself. In an act to still try and get back at Josh Chan, Rebecca Bunch finally realized the best plan of action.

Did it work out in her favor? Well, no. It’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, so of course it completely backfired. But at least we had fun while it did.

Josh just wants to be forgiven and to be guilt free

Look, Josh is still the worst, and this episode really proves it. Why? Because the entire time he’s trying to become a priest, it’s because he just doesn’t want to talk about Rebecca or what happened. So he thinks that if he’s a priest, he’ll instantly be forgiven, his guilt will go away and he won’t have to worry about it.

It sucks because it means Rebecca doesn’t get any closure and Josh just gets to live on being oblivious … until the ending, when Rebecca confronts him and admits to everything she did that ‘he made her do’. Which brings up a really good point about Rebecca and, I think, women in general. (More on that down below.)

50 Shades of Nathaniel

We saw last episode that Nathaniel has feelings for Rebecca. So how does he go about helping her get over her failed wedding? By planning to sabotage Josh. In a strange 50 Shades of Grey like move, Nathaniel and Rebecca go to a masquerade party and plan to dismantle Josh’s family.

In return, Rebecca said she’ll sleep with Nathaniel and do whatever he wants. He ends up doing the right thing and giving her the opt-out but she sleeps with him and it seems, as if, they’re going to be actually cute together. That is until Nathaniel tells Rebecca that he’s basically ruining all of Josh’s family.

Oh, and did we mention the Fosse?

You can’t call her crazy

Because Rebecca doesn’t feel any better, she decides to take matters into her own hands. So she puts on her wedding dress, drives to the church, and decides to confront him. In a beautiful number that would make Smash fans harken back to “They Just Keep Moving the Line”, Rebecca gives up a little too much information.

And you know what Josh takes from that? That he’s not to blame. But it is an interesting dynamic because it shows that, to an extent, a lot of the time women do things that are deemed ‘crazy’ by men just to try and garner the attention of said man.

So then he, in turns, blames her rather than owning up to the fact that he a) flirted with her, b) kissed her, c) led her on and then, inevitably, d) tried to convince others that she is crazy.

The toy in the bathroom

Now the best song in the episode that doesn’t make much sense in the overall theme? A wonderful little ode to Les Misérables that is a side storyline from Rebecca/Nathaniel/Josh and their drama.

You can find the song online and honestly, just watch it.

Next: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Josh’s Ex-Girlfriend Wants Revenge recap

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