Justice League opens in theaters next month. Ahead of its premiere, check out this cool behind-the-scenes photo that brings together Atlanteans and Amazons.
Ladies and gentlemen, Justice League opens in theaters next month. We’ve seen the trailers and new posters, but it’s still unclear what exactly we’re going to be seeing next month. Of course, we all want it to be good. Unfortunately, at the same time, we’re not expecting it to beat Thor: Ragnarok‘s nearly perfect Rotten Tomatoes score.
While it may not be a competition, the reality is that’s it is, in fact, a competition. Luckily, Warner Bros. enjoyed an incredible summer thanks to Wonder Woman and IT, but Justice League may not hold this up. And that’s despite their aggressive family-friendly marketing campaign.
Nevertheless, whether it’s your cup of tea or not, it’ll probably have some cool things going for it, including Wonder Woman and the overall mythology behind the narrative. A lot of the trailers have generously shown us the process of terraforming the earth, courtesy of Steppenwolf and the parademons.
But thanks to a behind-the-scenes photo, we get a closer look at who fought them off the first time: the Atlanteans, Amazons and human armies:
#JusticeLeague BTS with Zack Snyder and Atlanteans & Amazons! pic.twitter.com/VtXXySDI3H
— The Aquaverse 🔱 (@AquamanUniverse) October 19, 2017
First of all, hi, Zack.
Second of all, hello dude in headgear, a samurai, very large fork and a bunch of really cool women who are neither Connie Nielsen or Robin Wright.
Also, hello, green screen. Pure Zack.
So far, we know there’s a mother box in Atlantis and another on Themyscira. But it seems like this takes place in the past, which makes me start to wonder about the chronology of Wonder Woman. Although, not so much that an inconsistency would upset me.
Related Story: Zack Snyder will be the only credited director of Justice League
Still, it’s cool to see them all united. Plus, hopefully, this means that Aquaman and Wonder Woman will have some sort of exchange during the movie where they’re like, “our parents fought alongside each other.” Or at the very least, he acknowledges her status as a demigod.
Justice League opens in theaters on Nov. 17.