Saturday Night Live season 43 episode 3 review: Kumail Nanjiani

We tune in every weekend for Saturday Night Live and this week didn’t disappoint! Kumail Nanjiani hosted with musical guest P!nk!

Saturday Night Live doesn’t give anyone a free pass and this week proved that. From Harvey Weinstein to their continual take down of Donald Trump, the show left no prisoners behind. And it helped that they had Kumail Nanjiani there to lead the pact.

With musical guest P!nk, this was an episode that had us laughing but also tried to touch on some important issues.

(Warning: some clips may contain adult language. It’s SNL.)

Cold Open

This week, the cold open brought us back Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump, where he sat and tried to tell everyone about his tax plan. Instead, he just continued to comment on the news and saying that his plan was going to be really good.

Honestly? It was a pretty okay cold open. Just the typical opening that got us ready for the show!


Kumail, much like how Aziz did his monologue, just did a stand up routine and it was pretty amazing. He commented on his movie, The Big Sick, and all the hate he got online afterwards. If you didn’t like Kumail Nanjiani before this, you’ll definitely like him afterwards.

It is endearing and helped us get a bit of a sense for how his show was going to be.

Bank Breakers

Ever watch a game show and want the other person to win? Well, that’s what’s happening here. Paul’s beating a mother who’s just trying to win money for her daughter who serves in the military. Paul then feels badly for how he reacted to winning and wants her to take the money.

Of course, it doesn’t work out that way but it ended up being really funny.


“You’ll float down here too, Anderson” is going to haunt our dreams. Or more specifically, Anderson Cooper’s.

Basically, Anderson leaves work and finds Kellywise the Dancing Clown in the sewer outside of CNN. And just like Pennywise, she’s terrifying.

Office Halloween Party

Maybe don’t eat the cake. A boss who makes a cake for his employees and then finds out that he has a disease that can be spread to his employees. Honestly? It is just a fun little sketch that’s basically here to fill time.

Film Panel

This one is a little uncomfortable. Talking about the allegations against Harvey Weinstein doesn’t make for the best comedic material and that’s very clear here. Not that this is a bad sketch but maybe it is just way too soon?


If you grew up in the early 2000s, you probably loved P!nk. And her musical numbers make us remember everything we love about her. She’s great and her music is catchy, especially her song “What About Us”.

Both her performances remind us just how great she is and I can’t wait for more music from P!ink!

Weekend Update

Again, the show went after Weinstein. This one was at least a little better because it focused on the fact that you can’t make fun of the situation (and then took a few shots at his looks). The entire Weekend Update was fine, just a mix of Weinstein and Trump jokes.

Ivana Trump comes at one point and she might be the best part of the segment.

Hotel Check-In

When a man comes back from North Korea, he just wants to check into his hotel. Too bad he’s got this guy trying to check him in. It’s fun and just shows how annoying trying to check into a hotel can be.

That is if you want to see the Dandy Band in the Star Gazing Lounge.

Nursing Home

Granny likes to bang! That’s literally the entire sketch. These two kids come to see their grandmother only to find out that she has an STD because she’s sleeping with everyone in the nursing home. The doctor wants them to let her stay and they get a little upset but, in the end, let her stay to live her life in peace sleeping with the other residents.

Customer Service

Honestly, just a nice closer to the show. Kumail is a customer service worker who talks to Melania Trump on the phone everyday. The two form a bond and listen to each other and, in the end, she gives him a spider.

Next: Saturday Night Live season 43 episode 2 review: Gal Gadot

Check back on Culturess next week for recaps, news and more.