Marvel’s Inhumans season 1, episode 3 recap and review: Divide and Conquer

Marvel’s Inhumans brings a lot of action to its third episode as the Royal Family slowly regains their footing on earth. So here’s our Inhumans recap!

Welcome to our second week of Marvel’s Inhumans! I may have had to pry myself away from playing Stardew Valley to watch. Of course, if you missed the premiere, we can help with that.

But how did our Royal Family fare this week with an ominous episode title like that? Let’s check it out.

Not-So-Short Summary

OH, MY GOD, IT’S DESMOND! This show is just LOST now, right? Anyway, Doctor Evan Declan is very interested in Black Bolt down in Hawaii.

MARVEL’S INHUMANS – “Divide and Conquer” – After fleeing their home, The Inhumans desperately search for each other in the wake of Maximus’ coup. Now they must learn who they can trust on Earth, on an all-new episode of “Marvel’s Inhumans,” airing on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6 (9:01-10:01 p.m. EDT), on The ABC Television Network. (ABC/Karen Neal)


Black Bolt enters gen pop in prison, Medusa asks an ATM for money (please), Gorgon prepares for a fight with his surfer friends from the last episode, and Karnak appears to be in hot water with his powers out of whack. Medusa ends up sneaking into someone’s house, then eats their food and steals some clothes before taking a credit card.

On Attilan, Maximus still tries to persuade Crystal to be on his side. Or at least make a PR speech to the genetic council to give everyone a way back home. She agrees, except not really. She uses her powers to escape and get to Lockjaw, where she teleports down to Earth.

Maximus also sends Auran fighters to Earth, including Mortis (Mordus?), who Auran says is death and not a fighter. He’s pretty funny, all things considered.

Black Bolt’s cellmate is the man Declan called at the start of the episode. Can I call him off-brand Hurley? He gives Black Bolt a warning about being Inhuman and getting out by any means necessary. He’s made a name for himself with the other prisoners as a cop beater, and a riot breaks out.

It gives him and off-brand Hurley time to escape. He turns out to be Inhuman as well. They get picked up by Declan in a chopper just as Medusa arrives in a cab.

Gorgon’s fight with Auran and company is a fun fight scene, mostly because we get to see a fair amount of Inhuman powers being used. And isn’t that the whole point of the show? When Mortis shows up, Gorgon bolts.

MARVEL’S INHUMANS – “Divide and Conquer” – After fleeing their home, The Inhumans desperately search for each other in the wake of Maximus’ coup. Now they must learn who they can trust on Earth, on an all-new episode of “Marvel’s Inhumans,” airing on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6 (9:01-10:01 p.m. EDT), on The ABC Television Network. (ABC/Karen Neal)


Post-Credits Stinger

Crystal arrives on Earth with Lockjaw and a four-wheeler runs into him. How dare you hit Lockjaw!

Badass Moment of the Week

Black Bolt walking through the prison riot and trying not to cough.

Best One-Liner

“Did you get bit by a radioactive bug?” Black Bolt’s cellmate asks. Hey, at least it’s the same cinematic universe!

Black Bolt and Maximus have a very Thor/Loki relationship when it comes to the reign of king. We get a flashback with them discussing being king. Black Bolt wants none of this, because he thinks it’s boring, but Maximus is all for being king.

I didn’t mention Louise at all. She’s staking out the police precinct and prison trying to get more info from the chief about Black Bolt. The only exciting part of her story is when Medusa holds her at gunpoint and says they’re going to follow the chopper.

Any thoughts as to who Mortis/Mordus might be? He reminded me of the Destroyer from Thor. No Inhumans from the comics immediately jump to mind.

Next: Netflix wants more of your money and isn’t afraid to ask for it

Next week’s Inhumans looks to bring even more action to the series. Here’s hoping we keep seeing cool powers!