It’s not uncommon for planets to go missing in Star Wars, and it appears that that’s the case for Ahch-To as well, according to a new analysis.
Let’s just lay it out there: according to a deep dive of Star Wars: The Force Awakens‘ material and Nerdist’s breakdown of the same, Ahch-To, which we know we’ll see in Dec. 15’s The Last Jedi because it’s in the trailer, is actually “just a couple of light years away from planets like Naboo, Dagobah, and Hoth.”
Which means that it’s not like Tatooine at all, not even a little bit. (The water on Ahch-To about killed the comparison anyway, but we’re thinking more in terms of the isolation.)
This wouldn’t be the first time a planet just casually stopped existing in Star Wars, though. In Attack of the Clones, the planet Kamino doesn’t exist in the Jedi archives. Granted, it’s not the exact same thing, but one has to wonder if Obi-Wan Kenobi or Yoda told Luke about how that all happened, and he decided that sort of idea would work perfectly for his departure, leading to the entire plot of The Force Awakens (as Nerdist also reminds us in the above article, albeit without making the same Kamino connection we just did).
Granted, the Jedi archives of Coruscant presumably don’t exist in their prequel-trilogy form in the world of the sequel trilogy. (Why? Because as the Databank states, the Jedi Temple became Palpatine’s palace.) Luke did leave a trail to begin with, but even the hiding of Kamino wasn’t perfect. Some of Yoda’s students figured out what was happening in about two minutes:
Nerdist speculates “[the planet’s] location will be a plot point in the film,” which we agree with because of the aforementioned parallels.
Is someone going to find their way to Ahch-To that shouldn’t be there? Dare we say it could be Kylo Ren?
Next: The Last Jedi's possible length is ...
After all, the visions from The Force Awakens indicate that he destroyed one Jedi stronghold. Why wouldn’t he keep trying to destroy his uncle once and for all? Could we see some non-vision flames at a new (to us) temple?