Don’t forget to register for your Cursed Child tickets tomorrow!


The time has come and you need to make sure that you’re registered for your Cursed Child tickets before it is too late! You don’t want to miss out.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is coming to Broadway and get ready, this is one show you’re not going to want to miss. But you’re going to have to make sure you register for your tickets tomorrow.

That’s right, in order to get tickets for the show, you have to do a registration beforehand. To me, I think this is a way for sites like Ticketmaster and StubHub to resist from trying to take all the tickets from fans.

For those who don’t know, a lot of the time, those sites buy up all the tickets before fans have a chance to even get a ticket and it results in fans not getting to see shows. It happened with Harry Styles and it happened with Springsteen on Broadway. So how is Cursed Child combatting this? By using the same method that Comic Con uses for its fans.

You have to become fan verified in order to buy tickets in the first wave. So then basically you’re not stuck without a ticket and paying hundreds more dollars because of StubHub. Instead, you’re just fighting against other fans to make sure you get the best tickets for the show.

I’m glad they’re doing this but you have to make sure to get registered or you might end up lost in the dust.

Next: What if James Potter never died and it was just him and Harry?

Make sure you register for your fan verification. You can still get tickets without it but it is going to be significantly harder than if you get verified. And you don’t want to miss Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on Broadway.