There’s a potential premiere date for Marvel’s The Punisher, but still nothing confirmed


Remember when we got the first trailer for Marvel’s The Punisher and still no release date? We still don’t have one, but there’s a potential date.

Marvel’s The Punisher is next on the docket for Marvel’s Netflix series…

Okay, guys, I don’t know if I can do this anymore.

Seriously. My last handful of articles on this? They are literally about how there’s still no premiere date for Punisher. Everyone’s guessing November just because that sounds nice. It’s enough distance from The Defenders.

It’s almost to the point where I can’t bring myself to care. It’s like Netflix is Homer on The Simpsons: “Whenever Poochie’s not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, ‘Where’s Poochie?’” Whenever they give us something about Punisher, we should be asking, “When’s the premiere date?”

All that being said (I guess), the upcoming issue of Total Film Magazine, according to MCUExchange states that The Punisher will be on Netflix Oct. 13. Which is a month earlier than we all anticipate. Which is cool. It gives us something to watch until Stranger Things season two arrives at the end of October.

But it’s still not a confirmed or official thing!

I get that Netflix wants to have some fun with fans. The whole series revolves around the unfolding military conspiracy around Frank Castle’s family’s accidental (“accidental”?) murder. So it’s a cute way to tie it into that.

Except that it’s to the point where it feels more annoying than funny. Like a joke that’s taken a little too far.

Look, we already had to get through Iron Fist. And the end of Daredevil’s second season, whose motto was basically “suddenly, ninjas!” And a so-so Defenders series. We don’t need them playing around with our expectations any more than they already have.

Just give us a correct, accurate, official premiere date. Or these articles are just going to be “when will Punisher premiere” over and over until carpal tunnel takes over and I can’t type anymore.

Next: Will Marvel ever give us the premiere date for the Punisher series?

Marvel’s The Punisher premieres sometime. At some point. Maybe.