Sirius Black and his not so great backstory


Sirius Black has not had the best life. So we’re taking a look at why his tragic backstory makes him such a remarkable character!

Time and time again I’ve talked about my love of Sirius Black. Not because he’s any more important than any other character but because I think Sirius is viewed in a strange light. This time, I’m talking about how Sirius Black had to sit and watch his friends die and is still willing to look out for their son, even after being wrongfully accused of murder.

That’s right, getting into the big stuff here. Look, it’s pretty simple: The death eaters pinned the death of James and Lily on Sirius Black’s fake betrayal of them. He didn’t turn on his friends and he didn’t hold a grudge against their son because of his wrongful imprisonment.

Instead, he took Harry in as his son and gave him the father figure he needed. And, to me, that is something absolutely incredible. He wasn’t letting his godson continue to struggle through life, he was going to be there for him and watch out for him as best he could while still in hiding.

In fact, he died to save Harry’s. So that’s a fun thing to think about. For someone like me, everything that Sirius Black did and sacrificed shows us just how amazing he was. That if his life had been different, he could have been so much more than he was able to be in his imprisoned life.

Now I know that maybe I’m one of the few who spend this much time thinking about Sirius but still. He was everything to me and still is, in a weird way. I just wanted the best for him and now I want to know more about his life. So J.K Rowling, get on that please.

Next: Jason Isaacs isn’t here for your Sean Spicer antics and we love it!

Give us the Marauder’s series we always wanted. We deserve at least that after you killed him off!