The most recent story confirmed by Del Rey for Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View calls in a Jedi that’s long since left the mortal plane.
Perhaps this week’s look at just the 10 stories that most intrigued yours truly when it comes to October’s Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View was a touch premature. To be more accurate, Del Rey knew what it was doing when it deigned to release the information about Claudia Gray — she who was behind the recent Leia, Princess of Alderaan — and her contribution to the book.
If Cavan Scott’s Obi-Wan’s death story didn’t get you excited enough for a Jedi appearance in From a Certain Point of View, and the Yoda story didn’t get you excited enough …
Then how about Qui-Gon Jinn, who is very definitely dead but a confirmed Force ghost, getting his story?
Liam Neeson’s long-haired silhouette never looked so good.
Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. @claudiagray #FromaCertainPOV
— Star Wars Books (@DelReyStarWars) September 19, 2017
The title, “Master and Apprentice,” suggests that Qui-Gon will just pop in to have a chat with Obi-Wan. (Will the story establish whether or not this is a regular occurrence? One has to imagine that that’s the case, because Obi-Wan also knows how to become a Force ghost.)
Meanwhile, the snippet reads: “No place is barren of the Force, and they who are one with the Force can always find the possibility of life.” Presumably, that means that this story takes place on Tatooine, just because of the references to how empty the place may seem, and because what else is Obi-Wan going to do before showing up to save Luke Skywalker?
Next: Han Solo might call in a very big name
That might very well be the end of the story, actually. It would certainly tie in nicely to A New Hope, which is the entire point of this anthology. Frankly, the willingness to go with some of the expected characters and then throw in curveballs like this one is what really makes this anthology exciting.