Next month, the next Star Wars anthology book, From a Certain Point of View, will drop, and Del Rey has posted snippets from some of the stories.
If you’ve been following along with From a Certain Point of View, the upcoming collection of 40 short Star Wars stories set for October, then you know already that Grand Moff Tarkin, Aunt Beru, and more had already gotten confirmation as appearing, Del Rey’s Star Wars books account has now started posting excerpts from them.
Frankly, we’re excited about all the stories, but we’ve managed to whittle it down here, presented in no particular order.
“Whills” — Tom Angleberger
The last story of the book, is really the beginning of the entire tale. Sort of. It's a work in progress. @OrigamiYoda #FromaCertainPOV
— Star Wars Books (@DelReyStarWars) September 14, 2017
Wookieepedia has already added “Whills” as one of the references to the Journal of the Whills. The term has made an appearance in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, as both Chirrut Imwe and Baze Malbus are Guardians of the Whills on Jedha.
“Eclipse” — Madeline Roux
Find out more about Breha Organa in From A Certain Point of View, u can pre-order now :D #FromaCertainPOV #starwars
— Madeleine Roux✨ (@Authoroux) September 14, 2017
After reading Leia, Princess of Alderaan, is anyone surprised that Breha Organa gets a story of her own from Madeline Roux? That book might end up being required reading for fans of this story, if it isn’t already generally required (and yours truly thinks it should be).
“The Trigger” — Kieron Gillen
If you do not love Doctor Aphra, you probably haven’t read the comic books in which she has made appearances. (Try the Darth Vader run by Gillen to start, and she now has her own series.) Hopefully, this story will introduce her to even more fans.
“Change of Heart” — Elizabeth Wein
um, does this help?
— Dr. Elizabeth Wein (@EWein2412) September 15, 2017
*runs to hide*
Wait a second … we know that outline. That’s the interrogation droid that Darth Vader brings in when questioning Leia! For Elizabeth Wein to not only go there, but also write it in second person, makes “Change of Heart” suddenly very exciting. The excerpt is also pretty clearly describing Leia. Will we actually get to read about what happened once that door closes and A New Hope cuts away?
“Time of Death” — Cavan Scott
Obi-Wan is perhaps the most prominent character confirmed to get a story in From a Certain Point of View, but the decision to capture the moments after his death and as he passes into the Force might actually be the best description we get of how Jedi can appear after death … and might just be a hint for a certain movie.
“Verge of Greatness” — Pablo Hidalgo
We knew about that Tarkin story, as mentioned above, but “the very eve of his triumph” … that’s a very pointed term for Hidalgo to use. Additionally, the quote “You may fire when ready” comes directly from the film, right before Alderaan is destroyed.
“Desert Son” — Pierce Brown
First off, called it that Biggs Darklighter would be in this anthology. I did not call that Pierce Brown would be doing the writing of Biggs Darklighter’s story, but hey. Like Wein, Brown appears to be going for an interesting perspective in the form of first-person for Biggs.
“There Is Another” — Gary D. Schmidt
You might not be familiar with the name Gary D Schmidt. But after this story, to quote Yoda, "YOU WILL BE" #FromaCertainPOV
— Star Wars Books (@DelReyStarWars) September 15, 2017
A Yoda story set before his first appearance in the universe (not his canonical first appearance, his first appearance in our world … you know, The Empire Strikes Back)? As in a post-Revenge of the Sith story with Yoda? Yes, please.
“Added Muscle” — Paul Dini
This is Boba Fett. @Paul_Dini #FromaCertainPOV
— Star Wars Books (@DelReyStarWars) September 14, 2017
Paul Dini writing about Boba Fett? Glorious.
Jon Hamm voicing Boba Fett? Possibly the only way to make this even better.
“The Angle” — Charles Soule
Looked up an old friend for my From A Certain Point of View story, celebrating A New Hope's 40th birthday! Preorder:
— Charles Soule (@CharlesSoule) September 14, 2017
As Soule alludes, he’s written about Lando Calrissian before, in the Lando comic miniseries, although this story sounds like he’ll be swindling someone that we might not enjoy seeing him swindle this time around.
Next: Star Wars: Phasma, reviewed
Okay, that’s a full quarter of the stories, and Del Rey’s Twitter account for its Star Wars books will be posting more excerpts from stories that haven’t been revealed yet.
For now, though, these 10 stories look like they might be the most fascinating of them all … but we’re prepared to have that challenged.