JK Rowling is often under criticism for her tweeting and past writing choices. Is it warranted?
While JK Rowling is often revered for her work for writing Harry Potter, her charity work, and her outspokenness on the current political climate, not everyone is as appreciative. In fact, many people have often come to criticise the writer for steps she made along the way, including queerbaiting, not correcting a Native American piece when writing about Ilvermony, and above all, her work in the Cursed Child.
To be specific, here are the reasons, and why.
Cursed Child script/Queerbaiting
The Cursed Child script came out into the public eye to a lot of hate. For many readers, it felt like a weird attempt at fanfiction, filled with plotholes. In Cursed Child, there was also hints of queerbaiting, between the two main characters, Albus and Scorpius. (Or maybe I’m alone in shipping them too hard?)
I have to admit, the script did feel like some sort of magical Sherlock script. While I didn’t mind it too much, it definitely is a sore spot in the fandom.
As for more queerbaiting, many people also feel like the very late announcement of Dumbledore being gay was only to put that she had a gay character in her books, rather than actually playing out the story.
However, will we find more out with Fantastic Beasts?
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that some of the hate, along with the infamous Native American piece, is Ilvermony. Is it possible that it caused a separation in the fandom. First of all, the American school never took off and wasn’t mentioned in Fantastic Beasts. It also gave us (okay, maybe just me), a feeling of being left out of Hogwarts. I’d read about Hogwarts for years! Now this new school comes along and I feel like I’m expected to go to this school instead of Hogwarts!?
(This is no reason to dislike JK, just as a personal opinion, I didn’t see the need to put out another Hogwarts school for Americans. Who knows, I could be alone.)
Political Tweets
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a man finishing a statement with 'fact' will be talking unconscionable tripe. https://t.co/fIsc3OUGTG
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) September 18, 2017
To be honest, everyone in the world is tweeting politically, and I don’t understand why JK Rowling would be caught in the crossfire for this. But alas, many people think she takes too much of a stance. Either way, can we blame her?
Next: How is Cursed Child's advertising playing for the Broadway show?
Even if there are things you don’t like about JK Rowling, there is one thing we can’t deny. I truly believe she has good intentions and made the Boy who lived.