LONDON, ENGLAND – FEBRUARY 12: JK Rowling (Photo by John Phillips/Getty Images)
JK Rowling discusses her least favorite Harry Potter-related question…and it’s not what you think!
When you write one of the biggest series in a generation, you’re bound to get some of the same questions. Why did Ron and Hermione fall in love and not Harry and Hermione? Why don’t they have rubber ducks in the Wizarding World? Is there going to be another book?
Recently, responding to Mark Harris, who stars in a Netflix miniseries, he asks JK Rowling the worst way someone can start a conversation with her. And to our surprise, it wasn’t politically or socially related. It was actually about the rules of Quidditch.
Apparently, many people have an issue with the way the snitch rules work.
'Got a bone to pick with you. Why's the Snitch worth 150 points?...side that catches it always wins... makes no sense...' & on & on forever.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) September 9, 2017
To be fair, the rules are a little confusing. The Snitch wins the team 150 points, but not necessarily a win. If Ravenclaw scored 0 points until the snitch, and Slytherin scored 170, Slytherin wins. That did always confuse me as a child, and I thought it would be easier if the Snitch just allowed the team to win, no matter what.
But it is surprising that above all the questions JK Rowling is asked in a day, that’s her least favorite. However, it is a fairly trivial question. You write seven books about a boy saving the day from an evil wizard with the help of his two friends…and people are obsessed with the rules of a game? Maybe it seems like missing the point?
No matter what, we all have questions that don’t make sense to others. People may find the fact that I’m obsessed with what wizards do on a day to day basis. Or about how disabled wizards get around.
Since JK Rowling wrote the series, she gets to be annoyed at a question asked over and over. But it’s a peculiar question admittedly.