Doctor Who star Billie Piper says Rose would still be in love with a female Doctor


Former Doctor Who companion Billie Piper thinks Rose Tyler would definitely still be in love with Jodie Whittaker’s female Doctor.

The casting of Jodie Whittaker as the first female Doctor will certainly shake up a lot of things on Doctor Who. But, according to former star Billie Piper, there’s one thing that definitely won’t be changing along with the Doctor’s gender. And that’s the feelings of companion Rose Tyler toward the Time Lord. According to Piper, Rose would still be in love with the Doctor, even though this particular incarnation of the character will be female.

Wouldn’t that be fun to watch?

Rose, of course, is currently trapped in an alternate dimension. And ostensibly still together with the meta-crisis version of the Tenth Doctor who chose to stay there with her. But, you know, on the off chance that she ever makes it back over to the series’ main timeline? Tyler doesn’t think that her feelings for the Doctor will change, regardless of regeneration.

Piper appeared at not one, but two fan conventions over the weekend. And according to reports from fans in attendance at both events, she had quite a bit to say on the topic.

At DragonCon in Atlanta, several fans reported that Piper claimed Rose’s feelings for the Doctor wouldn’t change once the Time Lord regenerates into a Time Lady.

During her second convention appearance of the weekend at FanExpo Canada, Piper elaborated on her thoughts about the nature of the Doctor/companion relationship.

Specifically, how it might evolve with Whittaker aboard the TARDIS.

"“I think it’ll bring something totally different,” she said. “And I think that in whatever capacity, if they’re going to save the world and travel through time, they’re gonna have to have a strong allegiance. I think this is just the beginning of something really exciting.”“And it’s not going to be traditional. It’s going to be more modern, and progressive. But it’ll always have the same – it’ll always be about needing each other, regardless of whether the Doctor is a girl, or a guy, or a cat. That’s next. The next Doctor is a cat.”"

When this story made its way to UK outlet Attitude, Piper doubled down on her initial remarks via Twitter. She even called Whittaker “a babe.” Which, let’s be honest, is kind of adorable.

Following this tweet, another former Doctor Who star also chimed in her agreement with Piper’s take on the Doctor/companion relationship.

Katy Manning, who played Jo Grant to Jon Pertwee’s Third Doctor, had this to say:

So, basically, all of this is amazing.

And to be fair, it probably shouldn’t be that shocking. Yes, it’s awesome that Piper and other Doctor Who alums are supportive of Whittaker’s casting. But her comments also just make sense. Of course, Thirteen’s appearance, mannerisms, and attitude will change after her regeneration. But at the end of the day, the Doctor is still the Doctor. And that’s what’s important. Right?

So it certainly makes sense to me that Rose would still be in love with that person (alien?), regardless of their gender. The show didn’t draw any distinctions between her feelings for Christopher Eccleston’s Doctor and David Tennant’s, after all. So why would Whittaker’s be any different?

After all, we saw two different versions of the Master in Season 10. And they were still basically the same character. Even when one was played by John Simm and the other by Michelle Gomez. The same rules should apply to the Doctor. (And his companions.)

Next: Has Doctor Who found Jodie Whittaker’s Companion?

Whittaker will make her official Doctor Who debut later this year in Christmas special “Twice Upon a Time”.  Season 11 will begin in 2018.