Game of Thrones didn’t disappoint in terms of talking points Sunday night and social media had a lot to talk about as season 7 concluded in a dramatic burst of ice fire.
Warning: spoilers ahead.
Like the last few episodes before it, Sunday night’s highly anticipated Game of Thrones season 7 finale was filled to the fiery, icy brim with action and plot developments, some might argue to a fault. We’ve spent the entirety of the penultimate season shrinking the expansive universe of the show into a (sometimes unbelievably) small world, with major characters pairing up and facing off.
So it makes sense that during and after Sunday night’s episode, fans took to social media to express their feelings about the fact that the episode addressed several long-held theories about the show’s characters. There was a tense meeting between potential Iron Throne candidates. There was an incredibly satisfying surprise plot twist involving the Stark sisters fans had been hoping for. There was the maybe break-up of the Lannisters. There was the consummation of the relationship so many people have been shipping (and so many others have been dreading).
So which moments inspired the best Twitter takes? Here are a few nominees:
Brienne and The Hound
There was a pretty precious moment early in the episode where Brienne of Tarth reunited with The Hound. The two fierce warrior low-key bonded over their respective former relatonships with Arya Stark. As many online pointed out, the vibe after Brienne let The Hound know that Arya was, in fact, still alive, was one of understated parental pride.
Can we talk about Brienne and the Hound acting like an amicably divorced mom and dad co-parenting Arya, their Murder Baby #GameOfThrones
— ✨elissse✨ (@cowboylikemeel) August 28, 2017
Littlefinger gets what’s coming to him
For weeks, online fans have been lamenting the fact that Littlefinger was scheming to drive a wedge between the just-reunited Stark sisters. There was valid criticism that the writing was creating another problematic situation in how the show treats women, that the young women were acting out of character for the sake of dramatic tension. So it was extra satisfying when it appeared that Sansa was going to punish Arya for her betrayal, but it turned out the judgement was against Littlefinger. The schemer got schemed, and watching Arya dole out Arya-style justice (aka murder) against the man who’s been secretly betraying her family for years seemed to be a lot of viewers favorite part of the finale.
I'd like to nominate Littlefinger getting exposed as the new "Blinking White Guy" GIF #GameOfThrones #GameOfThronesFinale
— Tristan Cooper (@TristanACooper) August 28, 2017
I dont think there has been a greater murder than this one!!
— Leslie Jones 🦋 (@Lesdoggg) August 28, 2017
Sam takes the credit
One of the biggest plot developments of the season was purposefully presented in an almost throwaway manner a few episodes back when newly-literate Gilly read the maester’s log and revealed that Jon’s parents were actually secretly married, meaning Jon is the legitimate heir to the throne after all. At the time, Samwell Tarly talked over Gilly’s discovery (leading many to comment he was making the standard man move and ignoring a woman’s voice). But in Sunday’s episode, Sam took the irritating male behavior to a new level, revealing Gilly’s discovery as his own, and Twitter had feelings about it.
Can we appreciate that with all the magic and dragons, it was a girl teaching a woman how to read that changed the world? #GameOfThrones
— Shannon “Don’t Spread the Plague” Barnsley (@ShanBarnsley) August 28, 2017
The Wall comes tumbling down
The finale’s final dramatic scenes were of the undead ice dragon raining fury on The Wall, which may or may not have killed Tormund and others.
— Matthew Cox (@MattCox) August 28, 2017
Next: Game of Thrones season 7 finale recap: The Dragon and the Wolf
Game of Thrones Twitter has had a good run this season, but now all those fans and meme-makers will need to wait (maybe for quite a while) for the final season.