Man Crush Monday: The ever perfect and ever charming Harrison Ford


Harrison Ford won the genetic lottery, according to Carrie Fisher, and we couldn’t agree more! That’s why he’s our Man Crush Monday!

Harrison Ford has been a constant figure in my life. He was the first man I realized I was in love with and, at the time, he was already in his 50s and I was 6. I saw Air Force One with my parents and promptly went home and talked about the president.

My brother was confused as to why I was in love with Bill Clinton and it wasn’t until my mom explained that he sat me down and showed me Star Wars and Indiana Jones.

Now look, I get it. Loving Harrison Ford isn’t revolutionary. Most of us go through a phase at one point or another where we love his work. But I think we all forget how amazing he is from time to time.

His grumpy exterior leads into a man who will fly his planes into danger to save people. He made his way into the acting world by doing carpentry. And once, he even did a ton of renovations on a house he was staying in while filming Witness for free. Just because it relaxed him and he didn’t make them pay him for it.

Guy is amazing. And also who doesn’t love 1980s Harrison Ford? And really, he also played most of our hunks from back then. Han, Indy, and Rick? Of course we love him! He was the hot action star of the ’70s, ’80s and beyond.

But let’s pretend like Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was a weird fever dream we had.

Next: Man Crush Monday: Tom Holland, our beautiful little smol angel

This one goes out to Harrison Ford. May you stay on the ground and not fly your plane today. And hopefully no one asks you about Han Solo.