Severus Snape is a villain that most definitely didn’t deserve redemption


Yeah, I said it. Snape doesn’t deserve redemption because verbally abusing a child for years because your heart was broken isn’t okay.

I’ve talked at length here about how I do not think Severus Snape deserves a redemption arc. Today, I realized that many were willing to forgive his actions because of the portrayal of the character that Alan Rickman gave us.

He opened our eyes to Snape and made him a real person to us all. Not just a villain. But guess what? He’s still a terrible dude. Verbally assaulting a child for years because your heart was broken does not make it okay.

Now yes, that’s an extreme way to put it but I’m right. Severus only treated Harry as terribly has he did because James Potter teased Snape in school. Which is messed up on a whole different level. So your school bully has a son and you take it out on the kid?

And now all over the world, there are fans of the series who excuse what he did. That’s fine, I just don’t agree with it. He’s verbally abusive to a child and we’re supposed to pity him when we discover he did it because he still had the hots for Harry’s mom? No, sorry. Not really cool in my book.

Snape is fine in other aspects of his life but the way he treats Harry is just so wrong that it breaks my heart. So it, in turn, makes me hate Snape and everything he did to our favorite hero.

Next: I found a Harry Potter rock that wasn’t so nice and I have some thoughts

You can like Snape, in fact he can even be your favorite, but I still consider him a villain and I don’t think loving Lily Potter after all these years is enough of an excuse to verbally assault her child.