Will we ever be over how much Harry Potter means to us?


We grew up loving Harry Potter and what it means to us. And the older we get, the more we realize that we’re never going to stop loving it.

Harry Potter shaped us as people. Or at least, it did if you read the books as a kid. There is no denying that. We loved them and we learned from them. Now, as adults, we tend to still cling to quotes from the book series that defined us as children.

For many, you can spot their love of Potter from a mile away. Why? Well, they have tattoos with quotes or images from the series proudly displayed on their bodies. For me, I have my Deathly Hallows symbol that adorns my side that I love more than anything in else. It helps to show that I truly respect what this series did for me growing up.

More than that, we are compassionate people who know how to love fiercely and hold those we love close to us. Because that’s what this series taught us. It told us that love could win and that those around you support you and will have your back.

Harry and his friends taught us how to be people who stick it out with their friends. They fought and it would seem like they gave up but they always came back together. And so, for us as fans of the series, we will always tend to come back to the series that taught us to be the best we can be. And really, who doesn’t love to go back and revisit Harry Potter?

Next: Another birthday come and gone but we still love Harry Potter

So go out there and continue to live your Harry Potter loving life. After all, a life without Harry isn’t very fun at all.