Game of Thrones season 7: 5 predictions for episode 6

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Kit Harington as Jon Snow – Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

1. Jon Snow’s going to get his wight … somehow

Last season, when I made my predictions for “Battle of the Bastards” on FanSided, I wrote the following:

"“On top of that, Game of Thrones doesn’t like throwing the Starks too many bones. If the show is going to hand Jon and Sansa a victory, it is going to come at great cost.”"

Merely take Sansa’s name out and you basically have the justification for Jon actually getting a wight through the Wall and beyond to show Daenerys and Cersei. We’ve already predicted that at least one character is going to die up there, if not more.

The above lines come from my guess that Rickon would die, and it’s the same idea here that nothing comes without something given in kind on Game of Thrones. It’s very Littlefinger of us — especially when thinking about how Sansa characterized him a few episodes back about the Valyrian dagger going to Bran, but it’s a fair comparison.

Additionally, it doesn’t make any sense for Jon to actually fail. We saw in “Eastwatch” that the archmaesters dismissed Sam’s testimony that he’d seen the undead himself, and Cersei didn’t seem to believe the claims either. If the story wants to really advance, Jon has to succeed.

Final spoilers below:

Yup, this is also reported as happening, specifically at the Dragonpit in King’s Landing … when other rumors had Daenerys paying a visit there over a year ago, although at the time, I guessed that the context was a little different.

Spoilers end.

Next: GoT S7 recap: 'Eastwatch'

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