Game of Thrones left off last week with the fate of two characters in question. Will we find out what happened and who else is in danger in”Eastwatch”?
After the Field of Fire 2.0, we can only assume that Jaime has been captured as Dany tells the remaining Lannisters that they can’t sit with her in the preview to this week’s episode. Bronn has avoided just about every chance this show has thrown at him, but a crass sellsword might just find himself eaten by a dragon for running his mouth by the end of this episode. That is, of course, assuming he got out of the river.
The Kingslayer got his name for putting a sword in Dany’s dad. While we’re guessing (and evidence seems to back up our assertion) that Jaime survived his trip to the bottom of the river (similarly to how Tyrion survived the battle with the stonemen), Dany is becoming more and more like her father, so slaughtering Jaime isn’t out of the question.
Last seen headed to Eastwatch by the Sea (new band name featuring lead man Casey Afleck, I call it), the Night’s Watch castle of titular credit, things don’t look good for Tormund. We’re hoping that “Eastwatch” doesn’t echo the chaos in “Hardhome” or “Blackwater,” but when the army of the dead descends on your castle, well, we guess we’ll see for the first time what happens.
Theon is clearly being setup for a rescue of his sister to right the wrongs he’s committed, but how cruel and appropriate would it be for him to arrive only to find Yara already dead at the hands of Euron? While he’s been living up to his book reputation much more fully this season than during the Kingsmoot, Euron still hasn’t reached the levels of wickedness the show runners promised would eclipse Ramsay—but killing his niece would be a step in the right direction.
“Don’t knock it down while I’m gone” were the last words spoken to Ed, now Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. The Wall, which has stood for thousands of years, might come crashing down this season as the Night King and his army of wight and dead giants come crashing down on Eastwatch. We’re hoping Ed decided to stay at Castle Black.
Next: Game of Thrones season 7: 5 predictions for episode 5
While we are waiting for Littlefinger to be caught up in his lies once and for all, it’s difficult for who Sansa still acknowledges as the greatest schemer in Westeros to not see the writing on the wall; Sansa is denying all of his advice, let alone his advances; Yohn Royce has never trusted him; Arya stared DAGGERS at him after training with Brienne and then also got a new dagger; Bran repeated his own line to his face after asking him about where the dagger came from—knowing it belonged to Littlefinger originally. For a guy who came from nothing and is now a principal and powerful character, Lord Bealish is looking like he might get Moon Door-ed, figuratively.