Will Star Wars: The Last Jedi have a massive space battle?


If a newly-circulated list of Star Wars: The Last Jedi merchandise means anything, we might see some more space-based combat in the movie.

Warning: If you don’t like even the briefest whiff of possible Star Wars: The Last Jedi spoilers, we understand. But there are still possible spoilers here.

Star Wars News Net has gotten its hands on yet another image related to the upcoming wave of Star Wars: The Last Jedi merchandise. There aren’t any pictures of packaging this time. Instead, as SWNN notes, it’s meant for Force Friday II, which takes place on Sept. 1 this year as part of the lead-up to The Last Jedi, out Dec. 15.

There are a couple of conclusions to draw. First, unsurprisingly, the toys include ones from The Empire Strikes Back, too — you can spot a Luke Skywalker/Wampa set, a figure listing for “Princess Leia Organa (Hoth)” as well as Yoda himself. All three are tied more to Empire than they are The Last Jedi. Of course, they occupy the same place in their respective trilogies. Why not celebrate that a little bit? (If that Hoth Leia figure looks better than the Forces of Destiny version, I’d be pleasantly surprised.)

However, there are a few other interesting listings. SWNN focuses a bit on this listing:

"“BB-8 Mega Star Destroyer (MSRP $199.99) (with Supreme Leader Snoke and Elite Praetorian Guard)”"

The name’s a natural progression from the Super Star Destroyers, which are so Imperial and thus out-of-date for the First Order. We’re more interested in why BB-8 is mentioned there. Could our ball-shaped astromech droid have to do some infiltration? The listed price of $199.99 suggests that this will be appropriately large, too.

The photo also includes this line:

"“Kylo Ren’s TIE Silencer & Kylo Ren (TIE Pilot) (MSRP $49.99)”"

The Star Wars Databank has already confirmed the existence of the TIE silencer (it doesn’t capitalize the name), listing its only appearance as being in, you guessed it, The Last Jedi, and that it’s Kylo Ren’s ship, lending credence to the list SWNN is working off of. However, the Databank also includes an image of the silencer, which is pretty snazzy. The shot’s also of the silencer in space.

If we’re going to see a new type of TIE fighter as well as a new kind of Star Destroyer, is it really that big a leap of logic to conclude that The Last Jedi might include an in-space battle scene? The silencer’s Databank entry talks about Kylo’s talents behind the controls (though it mentions Han Solo and not the Force-sensitivity that helped Kylo’s grandfather and uncle before him as the source of these abilities), which suggests we might get to see them in action. Who better to deploy them against than Rey, who might even still be flying the Millennium Falcon to let Kylo continue his rant about Han that started in The Force Awakens?

Next: 50 iconic Star Wars costumes

Kylo lost the lightsaber battle in The Force Awakens, but he might try and win back some confidence in space.

(We’re still putting our money on Rey.)