This Game of Thrones name generator will give you a Westerosi-style backstory

Game of Thrones is known for its unique (not to mention hard to spell) monikers, and now a British printing company is getting in on the fun with a name generator that will christen you with your very own GoT-style title.

What’s in a name? If you’re one of the many, many characters on Game of Thrones, a lot. Character names on the HBO drama aren’t only meaningful, they also have a distinct lyrical style (and, most likely, a counterintuitive spelling). Which is precisely why fans have such an obsession with them. Media outlets have been reporting for years how names like Khaleesi, Arya, and Tyrion have consistently jumped up on the Social Security Administration’s list of popular baby names since the show hit the air. The folks over at Vulture even put together an exhaustive list of pneumonic devices to keep them all straight.

So it’s always fun to imagine what our own flowery names and titles would be should we somehow arrive at the gates of King’s Landing or Dragonstone. Now British printing company Cartridge Save is getting in on all the fantasy fun with their own Game of Thrones name generator. The tool guides fans through a couple quick steps (choose a symbol that speaks to you, choose your gender, insert your name), then spits out a Game of Thrones like name, title and crest.

When I filled in my own info (I obviously selected the wolf symbol, because #TeamStark), the generator informed me in the Game of Thrones universe, I would be dubbed “Arden Bare, Queen of the North.” From the accompanying personalized write-up:

"You protect your friends and family at all cost and they idolise you for it. You’re the person they want to be, not least because you’re smart, good natured and the best-looking person in every group."

Okay, I’ll take it. (It went on to tell me to watch my temper, so, you win some, you lose some). Of course, the site didn’t seem to have an official connection to the Game of Thrones universe or HBO, so these are made up houses. And this isn’t the first site to put together this kind of thing. We’ve seen it at Buzzfeed, and the aptly named

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But when it comes to names in the Seven Kingdoms, can there ever really be too many?