Man Crush Monday: Kenneth Branagh and those beautiful locks

Many would think of a Man Crush Monday man as one of the Chrises or one of their heartthrobs but this week we’re looking at the beauty known as Kenneth Branagh.

As is with every Man Crush Monday, we pick a hunky guy of our choosing and praise him. This week? It is none other than Kenneth Branagh himself. Now you’re probably wondering why and it’s honestly really simple.

In my preparation to go and see Hamlet at the Public Theater, my friend and I decided to watch the five-hour long version Kenneth directed years ago. Want to know what is absolutely incredible about this production? Not only is the acting amazing as well as the sets, but Kenneth looks probably the best we’ve ever seen him.

With bleach blond hair and really tight clothing, it is a dream Hamlet if i’ve ever seen one. And, for some reason, it is just one of many Kenneth Branagh movies I’ve watched as of recently. After seeing Dunkirk, I watched Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit for no reason other than to see my favorite actor take on a famous role (that is Chris Pine playing Jack Ryan).

In that film, Kenneth plays a Russian there to make Jack’s life miserable. And it is another one of these “Kenneth directs himself” movies. Which I guess I truly love. But more than that, my favorite Kenneth Branagh look has to be his Hamlet take. Tight black clothing and blond hair with a mustache? What’s not to love!

Next: Man Crush Monday: The boys who’ve played Harry Potter

At the end of the day, we may love Kenneth Branagh more for his talent and his intelligence than anything else but still, we love him. And honestly, Murder on the Orient Express is going to be amazing exclusively because of that mustache he’s rocking. Trust me, I’m right about this.