Game of Thrones season 7: 5 predictions for episode 5

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Episode 63 (season 7, episode 3), debut 7/30/17: Ellie Kendrick, Isaac Hempstead Wright.

photo: Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO

5. This is not the last we’ve seen of Meera Reed

Granted, Bran Stark, or at least the entity now inhabiting Bran’s body, based on what he’s said both in this episode and in previous ones, was kind of a jerk to Meera Reed right as she told him that she would be heading home to Greywater Watch to be with her father.

This prediction might be a little premature, but there are a couple things that make us think that Meera will show up again sooner rather than later. First, Greywater Watch is probably not exactly the most secure of castles, not like Winterfell, and as Sansa Stark mentions, grain is coming to Winterfell anyway.

Second, however, is whom Meera mentions as her impetus for going home: her father, Howland Reed. Think back to Bran’s visions in season 6. He saw the events at the Tower of Joy, where a younger form of his father, Ned Stark, fought alongside, you guessed it: Howland.

As winter becomes darker and darker, Meera might bring her father to the biggest castle in the region, hoping to stave off their perhaps-inevitable death by White Walker. Again, this might have to wait a few episodes, since it looks like the focus will be primarily southern for episode 5, at least according to the preview.