15 of the most ridiculous movie monsters

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2. Killer Klowns (Killer Klowns from Outer Space)

Clowns in their natural state are bad enough. Between the face paint and their ghoulish laughs, even their natural environments of a circus or a kid’s birthday party don’t do much to alleviate the bad impression. Further complications like serial killer John Wayne Gacy or the 2016 fad of dressing like a clown and standing by the side of a dark road, only to be illuminated by a passing car’s headlights, don’t help matters. Now, with all of that, imagine that the clowns — or “klowns”, as it were — are misshapen, murderous aliens.

Good luck sleeping tonight.

Take heart, though, because these killer klowns are just ridiculous enough to take the edge off. Certainly, the filmmakers couldn’t possibly have wanted you to take this movie or its monsters seriously.

It all starts when a local farmer sees something falling from the sky. When he goes to investigate, he finds a circus tent and some clown-like aliens. They capture the farmer and his dog, terrorize some local teens, and engage in murder and mayhem for the fun of it. None of the deaths are dignified, to say the least. After all, how many of you want to go out of this world via some kitschy circus-themed alien invasion?

All the while, the killer klowns use standard clown and circus-related tools, but with deadly consequences. The farmer, for example, is imprisoned in a cocoon made out of a material like cotton candy. Popcorn and balloon animal monsters accompany the clowns. People are dispatched via ray guns, shadow puppets, and a humongous baddie named Jojo the Klownzilla.