Movie road trip: A cinematic site per state for all 50 states

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(Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images)

Michigan: Reel Steele

As a kid, I loved Rock’em Sock’em Robots. The idea of two robots battling in the ring seemed fun, but not very realistic. In the movie Reel Steele, starring Hugh Jackman, robots actually battle in actual ring combat. While the movie has a heart-warming father/son tale, I personally was intrigued by the robots.

Several of the robot fighting scenes were shot in Michigan. The Detroit area was featured throughout the film in several big scenes. The Belle Isle Nature Zoo is the location of Atom’s first fight (Atom is a fighting robot). Belle Isle was a popular park area along the Detroit River.

Unfortunately, the result of poor financial choices, the Belle Isle Nature Zoo fell into disrepair. Today, the area is abandoned and covered in graffiti. While it makes for a great movie set, the area shows how neglect and diverted resources can leave great spaces in ruin.

Further down the river, the Belle Island city park is open for visitors. While Detroit recovers from its financial crisis, improvements to the area are in the works. The hope is to repair the area and restore it.

Other Detroit area landmarks in Reel Steele are former Detroit Fire Department Headquarters at 250 West Larned St. in downtown Detroit. The neoclassical building is accented with fire department related imagery. While it no longer houses the Detroit Fire Department, the building was the setting for Tallet’s Gym in Reel Steele. The building’s steel accents played well into the movie’s theme.

The soon to be demolished Superdome was also featured in the movie. Former home to the Detroit Lions, the Superdome was replaced by Ford Field. The Superdome is set to be demolished in summer of 2017.