Movie road trip: A cinematic site per state for all 50 states

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(Photo by Mike McGinnis/Getty Images)

Wisconsin: Back to School

Heading back to a classic 1980s movie, Back to School was filmed at the University of Wisconsin Madison. The Rodney Dangerfield comedy had a father returning to college, Grand Lakes University, to help his son. The movie is silly, but quite entertaining. Who can’t forget the triple lindy dive?

Filmed in the fall at UW-Madison, many shots featured the fall Midwestern colors. Several of the university’s locations were shown throughout the film. A few highlights include Memorial Union Terrace, Library Mall, Observatory Hill, and the Red Gym.

Walking around the University of Wisconsin Madison campus highlights several of the buildings featured in the movie. From the Library Mall to the Science Hall, the area added an authentic feel to the movie. Even though the pool scenes weren’t shot in Wisconsin, the Madison campus added to the charm of the movie.

The Memorial Union Terrace is part of the Wisconsin Union. Over the years, the space has grown and remodeled. It is popular with students, faculty, and alumni. Many people enjoy sitting outside on the terrace. While no outside food is allowed, food and beverages are available for purchase.

Observatory Hill provides a beautiful scenic Wisconsin view. From the top of the hill, the lake and local nature preserve can be seen quite well. A popular photo spot, this location also has an interesting history. The site is home to Native American mounds and ancient sites. University students often used the area for a toboggan run. While a real toboggan slide doesn’t exist, some people do try to slide down the hill.